Cycling 5000 km, from Banff in Canada to the US-Mexican border, raising money for MS research.
Storm King Campground > Del Norte
Luckily waking up at Storm King campground didn’t have a lot to do with storm, but there was a nice little sun. My tent dried up and was packed in no time, I had breakfast, and I jumped on my bike and went on my way. The terrain was rough and dry, but beautiful never the less with al sorts of rock formations. On the way I stopped for a short while at La Garita, a small town (about 20 families live there) with a church in Spanish style and real shop annex gas station annex restaurant. Despite of the oatmeal breakfast I had early this morning, at 11 o’ clock I needed to have a hamburger, a hotdog and a rootbeer here before I could continue. But first the ladies who run the place had me sign the GDMBR guestbook. You’re welcome. Further along the way, for the second time this trip I encounter a toad lizard, which thought he could sneak over the road, just in front of my bike. Well was he wrong! Of course he needed to go on the picture and video. What an amazing animal. The landscape going to Del Norte keeps getting more volcanic, drier and hotter. Suddenly my water supply shrinks very fast! But what a special landscape. Even in this desolate wasteland, every now and then I see some small houses, slums or old busses where people actually live? I don’t know, but it’s a long way from civilization. The roads are getting more difficult to reach, because of the soft volcanic sand or the sharp rocks, or both. After going the wrong way for a good wile, suddenly I arrive back in civilisation, where, to my surprise they even have indicators pointing the way for GDMBR! Upon entering Del Norte my first stop as usual is a gas station to enjoy an ice-cold refreshment! When I’m parking my bike in front of the door, through the glass I see a women looking at me like; what on earth is he doing!? When I’m paying my beverages she walks up to me and says; “tell me your story”. I tell her the short version, she pulls out her wallet and gives me a donation. “Amazing” she says and walks to her man who is waiting outside. All in all this happened in two minutes. Such nice people those Americans!

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